25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25
We have all heard this scripture in some way, that the generous will prosper, but have you ever focused on the second part of the verse? What does refreshing someone actually look like? Other words to define refresh include stimulate and reinvigorate. Let's look at how reinvigoration can bring you closer to where God wants us. How many people did you come in contact with this week where they were negative or felt beat down because of the last year. Did you sit and agree with them, or did you focus on the good that has come of the last year? My guess is that you got swallowed down by that hole of negativity not seeing any good aspect of the past year. It is like my daughter said a few months ago, this last year has made us closer as a family than we have ever been, so in tragedy and pandemic conditions, she found joy and was refreshed when looking back, quite reinvigorated. It doesn't have to be something big, it could be that first spring flower you see, the return of the squirrel eating your bird seed, or even the thunderstorm bringing much needed moisture to your area that can reinvigorate your soul. Refresh through the simple things and you can become reinvigorated through the large things, then see how you can refresh others.
Have a great weekend.