Friday, May 24, 2013

Fantastic Friday #368-Fewer


Do not be quick with your mouth,
    do not be hasty in your heart
    to utter anything before God.
God is in heaven
    and you are on earth,
    so let your words be few.
A dream comes when there are many cares,
    and many words mark the speech of a fool. Ecclesiastes 5:2-3

We have all seen the AT&T commercials where the man sits with kids and talks about how faster is better, but I think we all need to take a close look at fewer is better.  Do you find yourself getting worked up over something in your life that makes you rapidly fire off an email, make a telephone call, or just vent to someone?  Think about how many words you use to describe what is going on, how much you are doing the talking/writing and what that other person is doing.  Twitter is an amazing way to communicate, because it only allows you to type 140 characters.  It really makes you think about what and how you say something which is posted for the world to see.  Now think about how you come before God in prayer.  God already knows your heart, so when you pray don't be hasty but be direct and careful in how you pray.  You don't want to use too many words, because you definitely don't want to look like a fool.  God loves you and in the case of prayer, most times fewer is better.  Let your heart lead you in your communication and your relationship with God.

Have a great weekend.

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