Friday, November 22, 2013

Fantastic Friday #394- Shaken


Truly my soul finds rest in God;
    my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:1-2

So, there is this song in The Mix(2nd-4th grade) at church that we sing quite a bit. As I lead this worship song at church for the kids, I get really worn out mainly due to the hand and body motions we use to get the kids into the song. What's interesting is that when it says "we will never be shaken,"  the kids and I tend to shake somewhat uncontrollably. (some more than others) It is quite an interesting sight to watch me move and shake on stage, but I have been told that I don't dance very well so maybe I think too highly of my shaking ability.  At times, I don't think much about how God can help me rest, until I reflected on this passage more and the song we sing.  A thought came to mind about the fact that rocks don't move very much and actually don't shake due to their molecular makeup.  How interesting that our Lord and Savior is referred to as our Rock.  Someone who doesn't change, doesn't move and can't be shaken.  So, where do we go when the world is tossing us around, we go to our true Rock and Fortress.  We go to our Lord to help our soul find rest. I hope as you enter this week that you find rest in knowing that God will keep us firm and stable and through His power we will never be shaken.

Have a great weekend.

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