Friday, December 20, 2013

Fantastic Friday #398 - Own


23 Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own;
    it is not for them to direct their steps.
24 Discipline me, Lord, but only in due measure—
    not in your anger,
    or you will reduce me to nothing. Jeremiah 10:23-24
Why do people feel like their lives are their own at times?  Many times I get caught up in the day and forget that my life does not belong to me.  I try so hard to direct my own steps and that is where I get so distracted from God and who He is to me.  If you look around today, that's where many believers and non-believers alike get drawn to where they don't need to be.  They get drawn to being that person that solely relies on their own and not what God wants in their life.  As believers we can easily get drawn into judging others and their lives because maybe they aren't living the way they should, or more likely how we think they should.  As Christians, we need to remember that our lives are not our own and our Judge is our Father in Heaven.  We can't sit around looking at how other people should live, we should live the life that is not our own, but God's life for us.  God is loving and we need to focus on Him directing our steps and not trying to direct our own.

Have a great weekend.

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