Friday, August 26, 2016

Fantastic Friday #538 - Approve


18 For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends. 2 Corinthians 10:18

What do you want to be approved for? My guess is typically it is very personal like receiving approval from someone else. If you are seeking approval from someone else for how you are living, or if you are seeking approval from a loved one, each one holds its challenges. Typically when we seek approval from someone else, we pump ourselves up and tell ourselves how good we are or we act in a way that will get the attention of the other person. This self-endorsement at times can only lead to embarrassment or even rejection by that other individual. Remember that old saying of just be yourself? Being yourself should be easy, because it is who you are and when you are yourself, you reflect a presence that people can clearly see. Also, we probably shouldn't be so worried about looking for approval from these other people, but we should seek approval from our Lord who has already commended us by placing us here. If we seek approval from God first, and live our lives as a reflection of Christ, then naturally we will see approval from other like-minded individuals. We can't spend our lives trying to be someone we aren't and trying to impress others, but must spend our lives being who we are in Christ.

Have a great weekend.

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