Friday, August 23, 2019

Fantastic Friday #695 - Gracious


4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. Psalm 112:4

Can you remember the last time your were gracious with someone? It is really easy to look the other way, and pass by someone who is reaching out because we are typically focused on our needs and what we need to get done. What about those people who have wronged you. Maybe someone cut you off on the highway, cut in line, or cut into the conversation you were having. If you look at this previous sentence, the word cut can describe how these people made you feel. Your probably didn't experience a true cut on your body, but maybe you felt a little bit of your heart was cut away. The visual of getting cut shows also an open wound, but there is something that can heal that open wound, and that is giving grace and compassion to those that cut you. God has given us grace for our sins, so why is it so hard to be gracious to others who hurt us? It goes back to our heart, we need to have a strong heart that cannot be cut, and the way to do that is practicing being gracious to others and taking the time for others. I guarantee when you show someone grace, your heart is healed and becomes stronger.

Have a great weekend,


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