Friday, April 16, 2021

Fantastic Friday #781 - Harmony


15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Romans 12:15-16

How many of you experience harmony in your life? The easiest way to identify harmony is by looking at "tones" and when they are played simultaneously, what it sounds like. If they are meant to be a sound that is harmonious, they will bring a joyful noise to your ear, or they just sound right. If they don't match up, it can be like fingers on a chalkboard, or metal scraping metal. The same harmony that you want in your life means that you have to search out those who you should be around. You know that when you share a relationship with someone that has the same values and beliefs as you, there will be harmony in your friendship. There can also be harmony with those who don't share your same beliefs, as long as you set the example of how Christ wants us to act. We need to leave our pride behind and not feel as if we are better because of our relationship with Christ. We have to stay vigilant to help create the harmony in this world, and if you depart from your personal beliefs, it can result in a train wreck of relationships instead of harmony. Be true to who you are while following Christ's example, for He set the perfect tones.

Have a great weekend.


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