Friday, March 22, 2013

Fantastic Friday #359- Great


16 But may all who seek you
    rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who long for your saving help always say,
    “The Lord is great!”  Psalm 40:16

Do you ever take the time to look around and see how amazing everything actually is, or are you too caught up in trying to see how great you are or how great you can be?  There are really wonderful things around us, but I would say there is nothing great that we can physically see.  Greatness is something many people say they strive for in life, but what does it mean to actually be great? The number one definition describes great as "being unusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions."  If you look a little further down, one definition says "of extraordinary powers."  When you see these definitions, it should be very clear what is great.  If we are striving to be great, we need to realize we can't get there, and for people to think they are great is the furthest thing from reality.  There is only one who is Great and that is our Father in Heaven, and He is larger than anything we could imagine.  We can spend time striving for greatness, but know this, God is Great and we need to rejoice in Him and all He is.

Have a great weekend.

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