Friday, April 5, 2013

Fantastic Friday #361


Great are the works of the Lord;
    they are pondered by all who delight in them.
Glorious and majestic are his deeds,
    and his righteousness endures forever.
He has caused his wonders to be remembered;
    the Lord is gracious and compassionate. Psalm 111:2-4

Did you feel that on Tuesday this week?  The drag that was ever-present in your day.  For most of us, this drag tends to come after every Christmas, Easter, or weekly church service that we attend.  The drag comes well after we have worshiped, been lifted up, and rallied to go out into the world and make disciples of those who don't know Jesus.  The problem is that these services we attend, if not treated for what they are and how they should be, give us just enough energy to feel close to God for a day or so.  That is usually until the world starts beating us back and down to forget about our Lord and Savior and what He did for us.  I know in order to battle this enemy, it is all in how we see our relationship with God, and not as someone we think we are going to see on Sunday for a few hours. If we see God as just someone we are visiting for a few hours, no wonder we feel the drag so quickly in the early part of the week.  How do we battle the drag?  Change your focus and relationship with God is a good start.  Look at Him as someone bigger than you do now, and spend time with Him every day and not just for those few hours on Sunday.  Hang around people that are positive and follow Christ, so that when you around those that don't follow Christ, you can have a more powerful influence on them.  Remember, we all have the Holy Spirit to guide us and I know that I don't rely on the Spirit quite enough in my week.  Battle the drag and breathe.

Have a great weekend. 

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